Similarity Cracks the Code Of Explainable AI

  10/12/2017   Emily Webber   Blog

…with fascinating optimization strategies. These algorithms are by-products of academia, industry, and homegrown concoctions, and they are being developed, tested, and applied in novel settings by the day. In particular,……

The Value of Explainability in Artificial Intelligence

…1/50, 5/75, and, yes, 10/150 Paretos emerge. Pareto’s “vital few” becomes a “vital fewer.” They go on to explain that; “Extreme distributions transcend and dominate the industry. Fewer than 10%……

You Donโ€™t Have to Sacrifice Machine Learning Precision for Explainability

…based on its very nature. I encounter this perception often because, by and large, it’s true. Let’s take a decision tree for example. To be more accurate, gradient boosting (GBM),……


...test group? These individuals are hidden from view unless you can isolate their individual behavior. [vc_custom_heading text=”One-to-One Paring Impact:” font_container=”tag:h4|font_size:32|text_align:center|color:%23b97ebb” google_fonts=”font_family:Roboto%3A100%2C100italic%2C300%2C300italic%2Cregular%2Citalic%2C500%2C500italic%2C700%2C700italic%2C900%2C900italic|font_style:400%20regular%3A400%3Anormal”][vc_custom_heading text=”~ 5-20% + Lift in Targeting Efficiency” font_container=”tag:h5|font_size:32|text_align:center|color:%23b97ebb” google_fonts=”font_family:Roboto%3A100%2C100italic%2C300%2C300italic%2Cregular%2Citalic%2C500%2C500italic%2C700%2C700italic%2C900%2C900italic|font_style:400%20regular%3A400%3Anormal”]……

OPTin Advertising Network to use SimMachines Artificial Intelligence

…blockchain technology. DoGood Media is headquartered in Chicago with offices in Norwalk, CT and Curitiba, Brazil. For press inquiries, please contact: David Irwin Chief Marketing Officer 630-660-7320……

Uncover Actionable Insights Using XAI

…make it a reality. As a result, custom modeled audiences, using an advertisers’ first, second and thirty party data, are now the “new normal” for creating ad campaigns that reach……

The Financial World Wants to Open AIโ€™s Black Boxes

  08/22/2017   Dave Irwin   Financial   1 Comment

The Financial World Wants to Open AI’s Black Boxes, April 13, 2017 For financial services firms, the fact that artificial intelligence algorithms are “black boxes” that don’t enable them……

5 Market Segmentation Challenges That Are About to Be Solved

…a consequence, the heavy-duty lifting in data science happens mostly in algorithmic implementation, experiment design, and pipeline optimization. These are transferable skills, appetizing to the mathematician and logical-minded, that can……

Dynamic Predictive Segmentation is the Future of Marketing

…behind every prediction. For more information on simMachines, Predictions with the Why®, call (260) 632-7378 or visit For press inquiries, please contact: David Irwin Chief Marketing Officer 630-660-7320……

Dynamic Customer Segmentation: The Next Evolution in Marketing

  05/17/2019   Danny Shayman   Blog, Marketing

…that high value customers drive an extremely high percentage of a company’s revenue and profits – you can’t escape the need to “get relevant” as quickly as possible. One way……