Your Location-Based Data Practice: To Build or Buy? The Pros and Cons

…everything. One of the most valuable datasets for marketers—and an absolute must-have for location-based businesses—is mobile location-based data (LBD). As soon as consumers started carrying GPS-enabled smartphones a decade ago,…

Location-Based Data for Customer, Advertising, and Competitive Insights

Location-Based Data for Customer, Advertising, and Competitive Insights By Mark Ailsworth Today’s modern marketers are expected to be data-driven, with every choice backed by a data component which guides decision.…..

When the Market Changes and Your Segmentation Doesn’t

…behavior and historical data is worthless for segmentation? How does a company move forward when it knows that its segmentation is faulty—and thus, its market perspective and all of the…

What is the Right Granularity for Your Segmentation? 

commercials and online videos for advertising on YouTube than for the new NBA basketball video game. Different radio spots and magazine ads. Different keywords for the search team. Different websites…

When to Refresh Your Audience Segmentation? (Note: It Doesn’t Have to Be Tied to the Calendar Anymore)

…With the rich signals available, these models can be smart enough to build accurate segmentation models more often. So, When to refresh? That’s the million-dollar question around segmentation and one…

What is Predictive Segmentation And Why Does It Matter

…used for audience targeting, setting bid prices, guiding messaging, and other uses for media buying. Some common marketing use cases for predictive segmentation include: Upselling/cross-selling. Have a variety of products…

We Can Tell You If You Need to be Concerned—or Not Worry at All—If iOS14’s New Change Will Impact Your Location-Based Data Marketing Programs

  11/12/2020   Mark Ailsworth   Blog, Marketing, Media

…than customer insights…location-data that drives targeting, message personalization, measurement, and optimization will all be affected. If your brand leverages location-based data—either through 3rd parties that use it or via your…

Location-Based Marketers: Are You Missing a Key Ingredient to Your Location Data Strategy?

…speed and accuracy of computers. Your location data + AI segmentation = a customer-centric foundation unique to your business Of course, location-based marketers are using segmentation. But often it’s being…

Your Segmentation is the Way Your Marketing Org Sees the World…What if Yours is All Wrong?

…This is the simplest approach and doesn’t require advanced analytics. Customers are divided up by basic attributes such as demographics or location. They are base-level at best and may have…

How Good is Your Customer Segmentation? Grade Yourself.

…change behavior and preferences… Your segmentation can’t be a “set-it-and-forget” once a year exercise. Assignment score (pick one) +1 point if segment assignment is set annually (or even less often)…